Saturday, October 3, 2009

San Juan Capistrano Ridgewalk

Got up and out early this morning for the ridgewalk. It was a beautiful morning, above is a view of Doheny and Dana Point Harbor. I paired up with Howard Chaney, who painted harbor view. I looked east a little bit, and found a nice ridgeline with trees, some ocean behind, and one of the hiking trails being used by the walkers. We painted for about three hours, and came down off the hill (big hill!) around 11:00.

We got quite a few visitors to stop and chat, so I suppose as a "Plein Aire" experience it was a bit more social than usual. I found it a very engaging experience and hope to make it a habit.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Plein Aire?!?

I will be a "prop" for the SJC Ridgewalk and 10k run this Saturday morning. I will be trying my hand at painting out there in the wilds of the Capistrano hills - a la Van Gogh!