Sunday, January 11, 2009

ShowOff! 2009

There was a good-sized crowd at the Camino Real Playhouse for the opening of ShowOff! I met some great people, got to talk about the paintings with them, and was lucky enough to hand out some cards to a few. Thanks to Randi Peshkin and her husband Josh for getting me on the walls.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Rancher With Tractor

Kevin Maxfield splits his time between growing and harvesting hay during the day and award-winning object-oriented programming for international companies at night out at the Maxfield Redstone Ranch in the middle of Utah. This is the second painting of the year along with Hanalei Bay Pier (or the last paintings of 2008, when they were first sketched on canvas!)
I will be at the Camino Real Playhouse tonight to try out their new art hanging system. No more fishing line!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Camino Real Playhouse

Finishing up "Hanalei Bay Pier", one of two new paintings to hang in the lobby of the Camino Real Playhouse during Showoff 2009, which opens January 10. Pop by whenever you are downtown and take a peek.